volume 55. 1999. no. 2.
Magyar Deutsch

An evaluation of the support offered by the Soros Foundation to school libraries through applications between 1996 and 1998
DÁN Krisztina

The educational sub project serving the development of information provision contains that the modernisation of school libraries has to be supported by applications. A modern school library is an indispensable element of the information conception outlined by the National Core Curriculum. At the time of the first call for applications few school libraries had computers, and where there was one it was a slow, small capacity computer. The Organisation of School Librarians urged changes, and their plans met that of the Soros Foundation. The Foundation asked the organisation to elaborate proposals for the preparing applications for the development of information technology in school libraries. There were several rounds of application. First the development of the hardware and software used by school libraries was aimed at. Of the 930 applicants (700 of which applied for their first computer) 169 got multimedia computers, laser printers and software (SZIRÉN, Win'95, Office'95). The second round of applications followed in 1997 in which 350 of those not winning in the first round were invited to prepare applications. Home page designs had to be attached as a condition of application. In this round 133 institutions got the above equipment. In 1998 experiences gained so far with the applications were summarised at a conference held in Balatonfüred, where winners gave an account of their achievements. The last round was started in September, 1998, related to the role of educational programs in the use of libraries entitled -School libraries in a new role". In this round 180 applicants won 80 million forints worth IT equipment.

National Széchényi Library
Comments (2000/04/19)