Part time students on the training of librarian information specialists
The study contains the results of two surveys and their analysis. Several groups have graduated from the five-term, part-time further training course in librarianship and information science held by the Department of Librarianship and Computer Graphics, Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Sciences, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen. Students were interviewed first during their first year, then at the end of their studies. Students were satisfied with the course altogether, however, they felt there were possibilities still unused. The main motivation of students to participate in the course, was the development of their professional knowledge, and the achievement of a higher status on the payroll. So far as subjects are concerned, those related to information science and technology (lnternet, information systems, database management, system organisation and development, programming, mathematics) were found more interesting that traditional ones (librarianship, bibliographic description, communication theory). Students would expect more practical training and less of a historical approach. Students did not mind paying high tuition fees, but poor organisation did bother them (e.g.: poor administration, slow flow of information, uneven level of lecturers). Since the analysis aimed at examining the teaching process as a marketed service, opinions help organisers to rethink the training from the point of view of efficacy.
National Széchényi Library Comments (2000/04/19) |