volume 44. 1998. no. 2.
Magyar Deutsch

Changing systems in the National Széchényi Library. Transition from DOBIS/LIBIS to AMICUS

In August 1997 the Ministry of Culture and Education gave permission to the National Széchényi Library to Invite tenders for substituting its old integrated system, DOBIS/LIBIS by a new one, The tender was restricted by regulations Iimit-ing the deadlines and sources of purchasing the new system. Inteltrade Co. was asked to manage the whole process. All the ca. 600 stipulations were formulated In much detail, and the requirements were given different weights. The evalua-tion was aided by a matrix. The NSZL expected the new system to support original cataloguing while making the transfer of data from other sources also possible. Further requriements: the software must be capable of handling the files of independent Iibraries and using shared data simultaneously; authority control should be possible, data of the Central catalogue should be alterable manually, present DOBIS/LIBIS databases must be downloadable; by means of Z39.50 and HTTP the simultaneous use of several databases must be possible; all the bibliographic fields must be searchable, record service should be possible, Internet availability and Hunmarc downloading must be feasible. InterSoft Ltd. won, and the name of the software is AMICUS. It is the product of the Leuven EIiAs firm, with Oracle relational database management system, and its indexer is called Fulcrum, the online catalogue is Libri-Vision. The system will "speak" Hungarian and English, and is user friendly. AMICUS is a server software. The tender did not cover computers necessary for client programmes. These must be purchased from resources. The project lasts for two years and will terminate in December 1999. The new system will help the NSZL in domestic and foreign co-operation (ONE2), and makes the computerised management of the central catalogue, etc. possible.

National Széchényi Library
Comments (2000/04/19)