volume 44. 1998. no. 1.
Magyar Deutsch

A survey of the use of foreign veterinary periodical

The Central Library of the University of Veterinary Science (UVS) is the only institution in Hungary responsible for the collection of veterinary literature and providing services in this field. It is used by academic staff, researchers, students and practising veterinarians as well. The Iibrary - together with some American veterinary Iibraries - have surveyed veterinary journals and compiled a Iist of the core periodicals. In 1995 253 journals belonged to this group in Iife sciences (broader disciplines excluded) the subscription to which would have amounted to 30 milIion forints. The Central Library of the UVS has 126 periodicals today. There are 152 journals availablé of the 253 core periodicals in Hungarian Iibraries. The survey, covering the, Central Library and 20 other Iibraries from the medical and agricultural fields, revealed the most frequently used journals, the ones, often requested but not available in Hungary, and the titles subscribed in too many coples. Data regarding use were gathered by means of a questionnaire, use registratior forms attached to journals, and statistical analysis of interlibrary loan and copy requests. The main findings are: Cut backs on financial resources caused sever gaps in the acquisition of journals in the Iife sciences. We are lagging behind European Iibraries of similar collection profile. The periodical collection is even less complete in collections other than that of the Central Library, which must therefore assume key role in the acquisition of core journals In the field of veterinary science in the future, too. However, extra support is required to perform this duty.

National Széchényi Library
Comments (2000/04/19)