volume 44. 1998. no. 1.
Magyar Deutsch

Hanging on the web, or the use of electronic da-tabases in interlibrary lending and document delivery
KÜRTI Lászlóné

According to the IFLA guidelines of interlibrary lending, there are three forms of ILL in the age of indirect access: national document supply centres (such as BLDSC, BNCPI with collections established especially for this purpose; query answering and document distribution systems (based on national union catalogues and the distribution of legal deposit copies, e.g. the National Széchényi Library); no central coordination, no union catalogue (like in Italy). We experience a period of limited indirect access. Instead of a mediator, it is possible to turn directly to the owner. The cases: transcontinental central catalogue (OCLC), regional union catalogue (LIBRIS), national general union catalogue (ZDB, Verbundkatalog); national central special catalogue (AGRALIN); the catalogue of one collection (TIB, Hannover); the catalogue of one collection focusing on the type of document (INIST), The study analyses these types.

National Széchényi Library
Comments (2000/04/19)