43. évfolyam, 1997. 2. szám


My father, Géza Sebestyén 


Personal recollections of the deputy director general of the national library prepared for the memorial meeting organised for the 20th anniversary of his death. The memories present Sebestyén as a librarian and a helpful man. The stories are organised around books cherished as heirlooms of the family. The figure of the library politician living up to high human and professional standards is sketched. (pp. 213-215) 

The heritage of Géza Sebestyén: retrospective cycles of the Hungarian national bibliography

KÉGLI Ferenc

The memory of Géza Sebestyén, deputy director general of the national library between 1958 and 1976, is recalled on the bases of publications and documents. Few people are aware that it was also him, who lead the compilation of the retrospective national bibliography for the period 1945-1960. After Géza Sebestyén had got to the National Széchényi Library, he elaborated the main principles of the national bibliography keeping national library functions in mind. As an editor-in-chief he not only managed and organised the venture but also took part in actual editing. The two volumes covering maps and printed music issued between 1945 and 1960 followed the bibliography of books. Sebestyén laid the foundations of the bibliographic survey of the 1921-1944 period as well. He planned to have the textbooks of the period processed as well, however, he did not have time to realise his plans. (pp. 216-220)

The national union catalogue of books 

RÁDY Ferenc

The aim of the national union catalogue is to provide a finding list in uniform filing order of books in libraries. In Hungary the first national union catalogue was established in 1923. It registered both foreign books and periodicals. The central catalogue did not work between 1944 and 1949. It was moved to the National Széchényi Library in 1952, where the catalogues of various periods were merged, and the year of reporting was considered the common principle of ordering. In 1970 the union catalogue of foreign periodicals was separated from that of books. In 1986 division by language was given up and a new catalogue was started. Large special libraries, academic libraries, research and public libraries are among the reporting institutions. To illustrate the rate of ac= cessions: in the first half of 1996 96,000 items were reported. The majority of large libraries is able to report on electronic media, however, the union catalogue has been able to accept these reports since 1995 only. Retrospective manual processing is still going on. The catalogue covers all books of scientific value acquired for preservation. 80% of location inquiries refer to publications from the last 5-8 years. The principles of development are to be clarified, and there are many questions raised by the future operation of the catalogue. It is possible that the location information function of the catalogue may be utilised in a different way as well. (pp. 221-225)

The national union catalogue of foreign journals: its present state as reflected in developmental plans

TÓSZEGI Zsuzsanna

The national union catalogue of foreign journals (National Széchényi Library) was separated from the union catalogue of books in 1970. In the first years of its independent operation current volumes of the finding list entitled „Current foreign periodicals in Hungarian libraries" were issued regularly. Computerised processing started in 1982 under the name National Periodical Database. According to the plans the union catalogue would have included first the foreign periodicals then the Hungarian journals of the National Széchényi Library. However, the processing of Hungarian journals (Bibliography of Periodicals) was started independently due to different reasons, thus the main function of the National Periodical Database was to provide location information. Computerisation was made more difficult by the fact that for ten years it had been working in an external computer centre in batch mode, and was installed in the National Széchényi Library's LAN in 1994 only. The state of the database is characterised by the fact that due to lack of financial resources and other limitations imposed upon libraries, the number of reporting institutions has dwindled to half, however, the number of records has increased. The number of subscribed foreign periodical titles has been decreasing considerably (by 40%) for the past ten years, and so did the number of copies. According to 1995 reports there were 12.5 thousand current foreign periodical titles available in Hungarian libraries. The database has been available for online searching since 1988 on the mainframe computer of the National Information Infrastructure Programme, and the CD-ROM version of the database is also very popular. The National Periodical Database is available via Internet bound to the Swetscan service provided by the Budapest Technical University. It must be decided what to do with the retrospective processing of periodicals, and its computerisation (involving ca. 40,000 catalogue entries in card form). Developments must be based on HUNMARC elaborated for the handling of records and files. It is expected that libraries, participating in a common cataloguing project, will make their catalogues available through a network, and small libraries will keep on reporting to the National Periodical Database. The department is ready to assume responsibility for the central registration of electronic periodicals as well in the future, too. (pp.226-235)

"Gutta cavat lapidem", or why don't we have a retrospective geographical bibliography if we could have one

SIPOS Anna Magdolna - NAGY Miklós Mihály

István Dubovicz had compiled the annual current bibliography entitled Hungarian geographical literature 1936-40, and started the compilation of the retrospective bibliography of geography. The study attempts to call attention to the hardly known bibliographer, and to the stages of the development of Hungarian geographical thinking reflected in technical literature, too, characterised by the activity of János Hunfalvy, Lajos Lóczy, Jenő Cholnoky. Dubovicz used to be a teacher meanwhile he was the librarian of the Hungarian Geographical Society between 1922 and 1960. He undertook not only the compilation of the current bibliography of geography, but started the compilation of the retrospective geographical bibliography as well. He had gathered geographical literature retrospectively until 1861. The geographical literature of the period 1945-1954 has also been recorded in card form. However, he had no time to organise the material, and the cards were lost. His heritage found in the form of manuscripts testifies that he had been a significant, hard working librarian forgot by both geography and librarianship in spite of his merits. (pp. 236-246)

Organisation development and strategic management

BARLAI Róbert - CSAPÓ Edit

Organisations including libraries are consciously looking for forms of adaptation appropriate for more efficient operation. According to traditional management theory in order to bring about change in the organisation structural factors are to be altered. The behavioural approach suggests that the organisation can be renewed effectively if people working there are also capable of changing. Strategic management combines the two approaches. The authors survey the notion and tools of organisational development first, then discuss its methodological bases describing various tools. Reasons are given to why it is necessary to integrate organisation development into strategic management, then the most important common elements and their impact on the whole of the organisation are pointed out. (pp. 247-261)

Human resources economy or does hitech bring high level human relations?


Adapting to and managing change, its nature, trends, and main areas underline the thoughts of the author. Analysing the modifications of the meaning of knowledge she concludes that system has become significant, and even society starts to work in an industrial manner. Today knowledge

should be used to make existing knowledge effective keeping quality in the focus. Readiness for cooperation is an important indicator of the internal power relations and effectiveness of an organisation. Computer technology plays an important role in the improvement of the quality of services. (pp. 262-266)

Human resources management or you cannot turn geese into swans, but you can make them better geese


According to the new management approach manpower is a strategic resource. Well known models illustrate the all-important role of the relation between management and the staff. There are several formations that make models work effectively. Quality circles are small groups organised voluntarily in order to solve problems and make operations more effective. Since managers need creative employees, this approach enables the assistant staff to fulfill more demanding duties as well. The method of rotation also enhances the development of staff members. Effective personnel management is also very important for in the future the decrease of the number of staff is a difficulty many libraries will have to face. (pp. 267-269)

Library standardisation renewed 


Until the end of the 1980s Hungarian standardisation was of high quality according to international standards as well. Due to the deterioration of organisational structure and the alteration of financing, significant changes have been going on in this field since 1994. The Hungarian Standardisation Bureau was turned into Hungarian Standardization Body, and technical standards for various disciplines have to be ordered for good money by the various sectors. The membership fee of the Hungarian Standardisation Body is so high that only a few libraries and organisations can afford it. It is time to reform library standardisation. Professional organisations (Chamber of Libraries and Information Centres, Association of Hungarian Librarians), representatives of the National Széchényi Library and the Centre for Library Science and Methodology have formed a Committee for Standardization in Librarianship and Bibliographic Information. Standardization occurs in the draught of the new library act as a central service financed by the government. In the future standards will be replaced by professional guidelines. The committee elaborates the rules regarding the composition, structure, tasks and procedures of the committee. (pp. 270-273)


TÓSZEGI Zsuszanna: From the catalogue drawer to the screen - retrospective conversion of library catalogues in France

(pp. 275-285)

BELBONOIT-AVOCH, Pierre-Marie: Des phares dans la nuit: la recherche documentaire sour Internet

(Abstr.: Halasiné Wittinghoff Judit) (pp. 286-288) 

BERTRAND, Anne-Marie: La mediatheque 

(Abstr.: Halasiné Wittinghoff Judit ) (pp. 288-290)

NAMY, Céline: Les CD-ROM de loesirs: proposition pour une grille d'analyse 

(Abstr.:Halasiné Wittinghoff Judit) (pp. 291-292) 

Multimedia variations. A review. (DION, Marie-Pierre: Une ecperience multimedia and DUCHARME, Christian: Le reseau multimedia de la Bibliotheque Municipale de Lyen) 

(Abstr.:M. Fülöp Géza) (pp. 293-296)

European Copyrig ht User Platform and Copyright awareness campaign for librarians

(Abstr.: Orbán Éva) (pp. 297-302)

OPPENHEIM, Charles: The legal problems associated with electronic copyright management systems

(Abstr.; Orbán Éva) (pp. 302-303)

CORNISH, Graham: Safe journey: copyright, document delivery and publishing in the electronic environment

(Abstr.: Orbán Éva) (pp.303-307)

CD-ROM review

Design and applied arts database on CD-ROM 

(Rev.: Dercsényi Edit) (pp. 309-313)

The Vazul line - historical overview on CD-ROM 

(Rev.: Bánkeszi Lajosné) (pp. 314)

Multimedia for librarians 

(Bánkeszi Lajosné) (pp. 315-316)

Book reviews

Village people as readers in France LADEFROUX, Raymonde - PETIT, Michele GARDIEN, Claude-Michele: Lecteurs en campagne

(Rev.: M. Fülöp Géza) (pp. 317-319)

The first two issues of the series „Korszerű könyvtárak - korszerű módszerek. A könyvtári menedzsment füzetei" (Modern libraries modern methods. Library management booklets) are presented
SKALICZKI Judit: Strategic planning and ALFÖLDINÉ DÁN Gabriella: Library financing and operation. Is non-profit a solution?

(Rev.: Fazokas Eszter) (pp. 319-321)

Textbook for third world periodical librarians SZILVÁSSY Judit: Basic serials management handbook

(Rev.: Kovács Katalin) (pp. 321-323)

Selection from the new acquisitions of the Library Science Library

(pp. 324-328)

From foreign journals (Abstracts) 

(pp. 329-411)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár