43. évfolyam, 1996. 3. szám | Archívum |
Fifty years of the current Hungarian National Bibliography BÉNYEI Miklós The National Széchényi Library (NSzL) issued the first number of
the current Hungarian National Bibliography (HNB) fifty years ago, in 1946.
Somewhat later the Repertory of Hungarian Journals ( RHJ) was also started. The
historic survey of the bibliographies was prepared for the anniversary. The
first issue of HNB contained in UDC order bibliographic data of books, printed
music and maps printed in Hungary and submitted as legal deposit copies. RHJ
appeared as a supplement to HNB, also in decimal system. Focusing on current,
up-to-date thematic information on new documents was a merit of the NSzL's
venture. On the level of library policy it was first declared in 1956, during
the preparation of the library act, that the national library was responsible
for the preparation of the national bibliography. However, it was made clear
only on the 1961 conference on bibliography that national bibliographies make up
a system. Separate booklets were issued for textbooks, printed music, Hungarica,
and the acquisition aid entitled Új Könyvek (New Books) was also started. Annual
cumulations were prepared. Editors had been involved in standardisation projects,
and computerisation of the bibliographic system was prepared in the 1970s. Lack
of financial resources has always hindered development and daily work as well.
Computerisation made the renewal of the contents, structure and form of the
system indispensable. The division of labour, and cooperation also required
rethinking in order to ensure complete coverage of the national registration. (Pp.
391-402) On the advancement of library and information training KOKAS Károly The article examines library work, altered according to the
expectations of the information society, and the training of librarians is
surveyed in the light of this. New pieces of knowledge should be built on
traditional elements, though these also need improvement. It is fundamental how
deeply and in what way computer technology should be taught. The aim is to train
good practising librarians, therefore practical training should give the core of
the curriculum. Four main fields are suggested for incorporation into training:
information science, information systems, information processing, and
information management. The main themes included in the four fields are
presented in the rest of the article. (Pp. 403-413) „Hungarian Law Factory" between 1990 and 1994. MPs' habits of
information gathering HARASZTI Pálné In spring, 1994 the MP Information Services Department of the
Library of Parliament made a series of interviews on the reception of MP
information services started in 1991. 21 of the 80 MPs asked for the interview
were willing to answer questions regarding a) the type and source of information
used by MPs, b) the role of the Library of Parliament, c) their expectations
concerning the services. It turned out from the analysis of answers that expert
papers for preparing decisions were needed most. However, current and
retrospective Hungarian parliamentary documents were used less, and there was
even less interest in foreign parliamentary materials. Hungarian legal
regulations were consulted very infrequently, but half of the MPs asked
mentioned the use of foreign legal compilations. All of them browse the national
press every day, and electronic mass media are also popular. The slow fulfilment
of interlibrary lending requests was mentioned as the negative side of library
use, while easy-to-use online databases and reference services were found useful
and good. MPs were also satisfied with the collection of the library, and found
copying important besides online searching from among the services offered by
the library. In their opinion the library would stand international comparison
as well. The ideas and experiences of MPs will be considered in preparation for
the next parliamentary period. (Pp. 414-426) Analytic processing of translations in the National Foreign
Language Library KOMÁROMI Sándor The analytic processing of pieces of literature in the National
Foreign Language Library, looking back on several decades’ history, is revived
on the computer after its forced suspension. The new phase of processing,
started in 1992, is highly selective both from the source, and from the
publication point of view (ca. 50 core periodicals as sources, ca. 700 relevant
new translations). Peculiar features of data records elaborated by combining the
elements of ISO and ISBN standards are the following: designation of subgenre,
sometimes-original language title and source, in the case of component parts
data of the parent document. Further features: multi-element citation field (e.g.
in the case of poems), summary, resource fidelity. The structure of the program,
subject indexing covering fundamental genre, as well as comprehensive linguistic
geographical subject indexing make searching for the name of author, Hungarian,
original and full title, genre, name of translator, title of Hungarian source,
language of publication and geographical names of the unit possible. In addition
to active services, the library considers the preparation of other forms of
service such as a printed bibliography, etc. (pp. 427-429) Professionals in Hungarian children's libraries in the middle of
the 1990s SUPPNÉ TARNAY Györgyi The author carried out a questionnaire survey in 1995 regarding
the status of children's libraries working in county (type A) and town (type B)
public libraries. In the given period there were 273 type A and B service points
in Hungary, however, only 7.3% of these offered services for children.
Children’s departments had 451 full-time staff positions available, i.e. 1.2
librarians per service point in the capital, and 1.7 in the country. There is no
differentiation in the payroll of children’s librarians, and in 9 counties there
is no university graduate working in children's services. So far as special
training is concerned: the rate of professional children's librarians is 20%.
The number of those participating in further training is relatively high in
spite of the fact that these forms of training usually have to be paid for. The
Children's Librarians' Section of the Association of Hungarian Librarians makes
efforts for supporting the participation of children's librarians in further
training. Children's librarians are in a handicapped position as compared to
those working in adult services, too. Children's librarians have to brake out
from their local isolation and should stand for their interests more
categorically. (Pp. 430-438) The way of development in Csongrád county MAJTÉNYINÉ TÚRI Katalin There has been a good working relationship between town
libraries and Somogyi Library. They have formed a professional community in the
shaping of regional perspective, professional information exchange, and they
struggle for material and moral advantages together. Some concrete forms of
cooperation: common applications, organisation of study tours, presentations,
participation in making tenders, etc. (pp. 439441) Abroad VIRÁGOS Márta: French university libraries in the
development of higher education (Pp. 443-457) KISS Jenő: Centenary and summit. The New York Public Library is
a hundred years old (Pp. 458-
KOVÁCS (D.) Katalin – VÁLYI Gábor – FOGARASSY Miklós: Dialogue of partners. An account of the conference "Dialogue of East European Partners". (6-8. November 1995, Budapest)
(Pp. 462-465)
KOLTAY Tibor: From online databases to Internet. Subjective review based on papers from the Online 95 conference
(Pp. 466-468)
TRANIELLO, Paolo: Library legislation reform in Central Europe: needs and expectations. An overview of library legislation in Western Europe
(Abstr.: Orbán Éva) (Pp. 469-474)
Questionnaire on management styles
(Transl.: Mikulás Gábor) (pp. 475-478)
Book reviews
125 years of service for legislation and not only for legislation
JÓNÁS Károly - VEREDY Katalin: Az Országgyűlési Könyvtár története 1870-1995
(Rev.: Futala Tibor) (Pp. 479-481)
Cultural heritage and information society
RÓZSA György: Kulturális örökség és információs társadalom
(Rev.: M. Fülöp Géza)(pp. 482-483)
Staff is the main strength of libraries...
Strategic planning, marketing, TQM. (Ed. by the Chamber of Libraries and Information Centres)
(Rev.: M. Fülöp Géza) (Pp. 484-485)
Quality and performance
Quality issues in the library and
information services...
(Rev. M. Fülöp Géza) (Pp. 485-486)
Selected accession list of the Library Science Library
(Pp. 487-492)
From foreign journals (Abstracts)
(Pp. 493-571)
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