41. évfolyam, 1995. 4. szám



The thread of Ariadne in the labyrinth of textbook editing


Textbook supply has become very colourful after the formation of market economy, and it has also become very difficult to survey the choice. The article introduces organisations dealing with textbook publishing and distribution, enumerating the lists they issue, and databases on textbooks. The Ministry of Culture and Education plays a central role by coordinating the extensive textbook market, and makes the selection process easier for schools by its central lists. However, the problems of school libraries are not solved completely by this. TANOSZ (Tankönyvesek Országos Szövetsége - ca. National Association of Textbook Producers and Distributors) is also an important agent generating cohesion among all the organisations related to the publication of textbooks by inviting them to its events. The compilation is supplemented by a list of sites where textbooks are exhibited. (pp. 596-610)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár