41. évfolyam, 1995. 4. szám |
Archívum |
The 125-year-old Library of the Hungarian Parliament
JÓNÁS Károly
The Library was established as an exclusive special library with the aim of enhancing the work of legislators and MPs. The library used to be an organisational unit of the Parliament until 1952. Its operation was managed by a library committee in close cooperation with the Parliament. The members of the committee were representative figures of the cultural and political life of the time who were dedicated to the cause of the Library. The Library controlled by the Cultural Ministry between 1953 and 1990. It had become the national special library of politics, law, and 20th century history. Since 1991 the library has been an institution of legislation again, however, the so-called MP Information Centre vas established in order to improve information services offered to members of the Parliament: It has also been working as a deposit library of the UNO since 1956, keeping UN documents in a special collection. Further remarkable special collections: special. collection of the Hungarian Parliament, ensuring. the use of legislative documents; special collection of foreign parliamentary documents containing similar materials from foreign, mainly European Parliaments. The Library has been open to the public since 1952. Efficient information services have been offered to the users since 1982 in the form of computerised databases, (pp. 611-620)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |