40. évfolyam, 1994. 4. szám


Continuity and change in the information provision of the Academy. The 1994 network meeting of the institute libraries of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


The article surveys the network of the institute libraries of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, gives an account of the creation of the unified network, of the level of staffing, acquisition, ordering periodicals, etc. The new act on the Academy reformed the operation of the Academy in several respects. The new Academic constitution, being compiled, has to decide questions still open. One of them is the new form of the relation between the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and that of research institutions. New documents will be made for the libraries keeping in harmony with the would-be constitution. There is a need for the co-operation of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and that of research institutions though in different forms. The act on the Academy modifies the organization of the information provision for the Academy. It is closing a historic period characterized by the organization and consolidation of the network. Continuity and change must be emphasized together. Automation has to be underlined from among the development projects. The possibilities of computerized database develop meat have been created for the last two years in the Academic Library. The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences may contribute to the computerization of institute libraries where it is needed. (pp. 547-555)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár