39. évfolyam, 1993. 3. szám |
Archívum |
In defence of UDC. Proposal on the possibilities of development and cooperation.
HORVÁTH Zoltánné
Now that FID has transferred the management of UDC to the UDC Consortium, Hungarian librarians should reconsider the problems related to its use, development, automation - and justification. The Automation and Classification Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians analysed the related issues and compiled a proposal. Some conclusions: UDC will be used by most of the Hungarian libraries for a long time, libraries expect that UDC-related development be carried out by a central institution. For the management of UDC in Hungary an interlibrary association should be set up, which would provide services for the member libraries, would coordinate the tasks. An expert group would investigate the opportunities of joining the Consortium, the issues of acquiring authority. A decision should be made about the publication of UDC in Hungary. (pp. 373-383)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |