39. évfolyam, 1993. 3. szám



The activities and development of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library (MESzL). Expert report.

AMBRUS Zoltán - BÁTONYI Béláné - DOMOKOS Miklósné - SONNEVEND Péter

The Cultural Commission of the Metropolitan General Assembly entrusted in December 1991 experts with surveying the organization, economic management and professional activities of the MESzL. Their report was prepared in May 1992. Its findings: the library falls behind its equivalents (according to the community to be supplied) both in Hungary and abroad, in respect of building, staff number and technical equipment. A basic problem is the decreasing real value of the acquisitions budget too. According to the development proposals ownership issues should be settled, a new central building be constructed, computerised central services be provided for the system, and a reduced but more effective system model be realized by establishing 5-6 interdistrict libraries. (pp 389-402)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár