38. évfolyam, 1992. 4. szám



Works in progress on the general subject headings list.


There is no general subject headings list in Hungarian and this fact considerably hinders the construction of databases. The author publishes the proposal prepared by the Classification Committee of the Association of Hungarian Librarians for the Ministry of Culture and Education on the development of a general subject headings system which they consider to be a task for the entire librarianship. The system of subject headings consists of three levels, superposed on one another. At the top would be some thousand generic subject headings, meant for smaller libraries, with functions of a broad system of ordering. The medium level would be a more detailed version of the above, meant for medium-sized libraries, and for the materials belonging to the secondary collection interest of large libraries. The third level would include detailed, specific subject headings for deep indexing. Transit is provided between these levels. The article calls attention to three important professional details (logical units, subject categories, applications rules). (pp. 610-617)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár