37. évfolyam, 1991. 4. szám



State of the art of the information infrastructure of higher education and research in Hungary.


The Hungarian administration decided that higher education should catch up with the European level. The Ministry of Culture and Education compiled a report for the government on the state of the art and development of the information infrastructure of institutes of higher education and of public collections. The article is an abridged version of the report and includes a comparison with more developed countries. The situation of Hungarian higher education from the point of information has been supported by a number of programmes, such as the Information Infrastructure Development Programme or the Electronization Economic Development programme. The HUNINET association operating since May 1990 provides a good framework for cooperation too. At present its members include 25 universities, college faculties, colleges. We shall come back to the fate of the report in a later issue. (pp. 608-618)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár