37. évfolyam, 1991. 4. szám



The Information System of Libraries in Zala County.


Public libraries operating in Zala county and the local foundations for book promotion prepared a joint application for the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Education in 1991 to community information services and to the use of new communication technology. The application of Zala public libraries had three aims: 1/ to maintain the already operating offline database services in the five biggest libraries of the county and to extend their offer, 2/ to create an open, offline accessibility of services via telephone, 3/ to complement the system by an online service via telephone, by disseminating the offer of local public libraries. From the autumn of 1991 the ZALACOM-FRISSLOM Library Services and Information System has already been operating. It provides access to major Hungarian databases (such as PRESSDOK - a press articles database, KARTOTÉK - a register of legal regulations, TEXTAR - a database management system) (pp. 597-601)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár