37. évfolyam, 1991. 2. szám



Doctoral dissertations on library and information science in Hungary .


The university education of librarians started in Hungary in 1948, with two main subjects, with a duration of five years. In the period between the academic years 1948/49 and 1989/90 2450 students graduated (from regular, evening, correspondence and postgraduate courses), and just 5.5% of them, i.e. 135 students took their doctor's degree. An analysis of doctoral dissertations on library and information science was made from the following aspects: distribution of dissertationists by sex; by age; the period having passed from graduation; the relationship between the subjects of theses (when graduating) and dissertation; and particularly, the subjects of the doctoral dissertations. These are covered by synoptic tables and by related analyses. The findings were the following: more women that men took their doctor's degree; the distribution of dissertationists by age shows a strong scattering; most people take their doctor's degree within 10 years from graduation. Almost half of the dissertations dealt with historical subjects, and there has recently been a slight increase in dissertations on computerisation, library policy, the theory of classification and cataloguing. Cca. one third of dissertationists kept the subject of their previous thesis. The author recommends that the contents of dissertations be made accessible by documentation (e.g. by abstracts). (pp. 191-205)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár