36. évfolyam, 1990. 5-6. szám |
Archívum |
Bibliographic activities in Hungary in the lest 30 years.
The 1st national Conference on Bibliography was organized in 1961 and since then it has served as a base of comparison. Bibliographic activities in the past 30 years have been characterised by goodwill, moderate professional standard and mostly individual efforts. It is an accomplishment, however, that the unified system of the national bibliography has been developed and has become consolidated, and besides the National Library some well-functioning bibliographic workshops have been set up. Analysing the relationship of bibliography with science it can be stated that there is a close relationship between the scientific and bibliographic activities in a subject. As organizations serving technological-economic development are progressing more rapidly, information and bibliography in their field is more developed too, as opposed to humanities and the less cultivated fields of social sciences. As regards education in bibliography, the lack of textbooks on methods and of authentic teachers renders the education of the new generation more difficult. The author recommends that the joint efforts should be coordinated and a realistic partnership should be built out in order to put and end to the unorganized bibliographic work. The objectives of further development ere: effective institutional relationships and revenue-raising services. (pp.409-420)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |