36. évfolyam, 1990. 1-2. szám |
Archívum |
Reproduction of catalogue cards in the National Széchényi Library
BACZONI Tamásné - SERES Tibor
The addressing machine (“adrema”) introduced in the National Széchényi Library for the reproduction of catalogue cards has been used for approx. 50 years. Due to new standards for technical services as well as to the development of computer technology, reproduction technologies were also modernized. Master cards printed from a computer file can be reproduced in adequate quality by copy machines; the copier Sharp-SF-756 and the Canon PC-25 proved to be capable of mass production. In order to drop entirely the outdated “adrema” system the items of the address plates will be copied to master cards in two years. A part of the new cards is still produced by a Robotron type electric typewriter, but in the near future microcomputers and laser printers will be used for the production of the master cards. (pp. 65-68)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |