46. évfolyam, 2000. 3. szám

Evaluation of the libaray's activity and services according to the European model


Total Quality Management is a new trend in the field of quality development. The user is in the focus of the new approach, and the organisation works for the satisfaction of his explicit or latent needs. The organisation has to be development oriented from day to day. The author presents the model (excellency model of the European Foundation for Quality Management) linked to the European quality price founded for awarding the organisations applying TQM, and suggests that libraries also adopt this approach. She describes the essence of the RADAR logic based on the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle, the elements of which (results, approach, deployment, asessment, review) cover and reflect the results of the organisation. This model of self evaluation had been introduced in Great Britain for public libraries and information institutions as the LISIM library self evaluation model (LISIM — Loughborough University Information Sector Improvement Model) that focuses on the customer/user/client. Formulation of a marketing strategy, participation of those involved, and motivation for action are essential elements of the model. 

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Észrevételek (2001/04/19)