volume 55. 1999. no. 3.
Magyar Deutsch

Traditional tools and new possibilitles In the reference work of public libraries
GELLÉR Ferencné

Public library reference work is characterised by a duality these days: new electronic systems and tools gain more and more importance beside traditional printed documents. In practice this means that the need for searching databases available through the network has increased, however, searches may well be combined with searching in traditional printed sources. Libraries have to answer challenges of information technology, i.e, they must have proper infrastructure, trained personnel skilled in computer searching, as well as the resources necessary for maintaining the systems. Well co-ordinated co-operation among libraries is also indispensable. Training of qualified librarians working in the libraries of the future is also very important, therefore library education has a great responsibility. The importance of the professional further training of librarians has also been increasing. Preparing users for the handling of electronic tools by means of comprehensive training programmes is a new task.

National Széchényi Library
Comments (2000/04/19)