In the footsteps of János Szentmihályi. The programme of the bibliographic database of Hungarian books printed abroad between 1919 and 1944
KÉGLI Ferenc
The retrospective bibliography department of the NSZL. paid a tribute to the memory of János Szentmihályi by planning the bibliographic database of Hungarian books printed abroad as a continuation of the retrospective bibliography of the period 1921-1944. Making the concept of "national" bibliography in relation to "Hungarica" bibliography clearer was a theoretical issue also frequently dealt with by János Szentmihályi. The prospective on-line database would cover books and similar materials printed abroad in Hungarian between 1919 and 1944. The scope of documents to be included was determined as it was in the national bibliography. Hungarian documents published in Rumania would be the first to be converted into the database. These will be followed by the input of documents printed in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslaia and Austria. A printed volume or CD-ROM publication on this period is also possiby.
| National Széchényi Library Comments (2000/04/19) |