43. évfolyam, 1997. 1. szám


Inaugural address of the new editor-in-chief

(pp. 11)

An outline of the history of Hungarian library journals. Part 2. (1946-1996)


The reorganisation of library literature after World War II, started in the fifties. Könyvtártudományi Beszámoló (Reports in Librarianship) served as an abstracting journal in the field of documentation, while Könyvtárügyi Szemle (Review of Librarianship) contained studies. Both of them ceased after a few issues. Another, partly library journal entitled Könyvbarát (Book fellow) was published by the National Book Distribution Company, which was the journal of the book trade as well. Műszaki Könyvtárosok Tájékoztatója (Bulletin of Technical Librarians) was started in 1954 by the National Technical Library. In 1955 Magyar Könyvszemle (Hungarian Book Review) was re-started as the journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Könyvtári Tájékoztató (Bulletin of Librarianship), later Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Observer) was started by the Centre for Library Science and Methodology. By the late 1960s the profiles of journals had become marked: Könyvbarát entitled Könyvtáros (Librarian) served public libraries in the first place, Könyvtári Figyelő had become the journal of social science libraries, technical librarians were provided for by Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás (Scientific and Technical Information) (formerly Műszaki Könyvtárosok Tájékoztatója - Bulletin of Technical Librarians). Könyvszemle (Book Review) was the organ of book and press history. The differentiation of library literature manifested itself in the appearance of methodological publications for special library networks, and the network news of public libraries. In 1968 a series entitled Könyvtártudományi Tanulmányok (Studies in Librarianship) was started for theoretical writings exceeding the volume of a journal article. A report on library literature prepared in 1982 registered the division of labour that had already emerged, however, it suggested further development, and professional and financial strengthening for the journals. In 1989 a new journal entitled Könyvtári Levelző/lap (ca. Library correspondence) was started by the Centre for Library Science and Methodology, National Széchényi Library. However, in the years to come social and political changes undermined the existence of the journals. Their publishers are always struggling with severe financial problems, therefore the survival of the journals is becoming uncertain from time to time. (pp. 13-25)

Máté Kovács as the director of the Debrecen University Library


The Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen organised a memorial conference in honour of Máté Kovács (1906-1972), an outstanding figure of Hungarian librarianship and library education on the 90th anniversary of his birth. The compilation, based on documents to be found in the archive of the Library, commemorating Máté Kovács's directorship of the Debrecen University Library was presented here. Máté Kovács was leading the library for seven years after 1949. He organised a processed collection of several million items from the book stock severely damaged and partly lost in the war. He used his relations established in political and economic life before well e.g. in overcoming the difficulties of acquisition, and in appointing experts. The professional prestige of the library was increased by his characteristic presence in librarianship, and the professional level of his colleagues coupled with the development of the collection raised the institution to the highest level in Hungary. (pp. 26-32)

Library informatics teaching at the Lajos Kossuth University

BODA István - JUHÁSZ István

Graduate training in library informatics was introduced in 1989 at the Lajos Kossuth University. The study emphasises the library and informatics elements of the training, and compares the aims of the training with the National Curriculum, and the National Strategy for Informatics. It is examined how these goals can be realised in the present economic and political environment. The aim is to prepare students for adaptation to the market, and to transfer methods and technologies immediately applicable to practice. Main curriculum subjects of the information specialist-librarian subject are: informatics (mathematics, programming, database management, systems analysis. text editing, networks), librarianship (e.g. strategic planning, marketing, TQM, information management, etc.) and a so-called knowledge base based on these. (pp. 33-39)

An overview of the theses prepared between 1987-1996 in postgraduate training courses in library and information science


Full-time training in librarianship, later information science has been going on at the Faculty of Arts, Loránd Eötvös University since 1949. Beside full-time training, correspondence courses for students from the country side, as well as in-service evening courses and post-graduate part-time courses were started soon afterwards. By now, only a threeyear post-graduate course was left, and two specialised postgraduate courses were initiated. Both take two years, one in information science, and the other in library history and museology. For the past ten years 8 groups got a diploma in the three-year training, 3 in information science, and 2 in library history. Thus post-graduate students, having finished their studies, add up to 250. The study gives a thematic analysis of the theses prepared by these students. The majority of those in the three-year training wrote a thesis on some historic subject (74%). Among students of information science subjects related to computer networks, computerisation, the description of operational integrated systems, and more recently to CD-ROMs are the most popular. (pp. 43-52)

User education in the Central Library of the University of Veterinary Science

CSEREY Lászlóné - TAPOLCAI Ágnes

The Central Library of the University of Veterinary Science has struggled for making library use a curriculum subject since 1983. In the beginning main topics dealt with were traditional abstracting services, computerised SDI, the theory of online searching. Beside teaching, librarians compiled a guide to writing theses. Having installed the integrated library system TINLIB, the need for user education increased considerably. First-year students are not prepared yet from the professional point of view for realising the importance of literature searching. In the case of older students defects in the command of foreign languages hinder use. From 1993 on courses have also been held for PhD students, and library informatics has also been included in the post-graduate training of veterinarians in 16 hours. Librarians plan to harmonize the content of user education with the teaching of veterinary subjects. The lack of space, or rather the fact that there are fewer computers available for group practices than students, cause difficulties. (pp. 53-57)

Changes in library use in the last ten years  


Changes in habits related to the use of libraries were surveyed by means of a questionnaire by the Reading Research Department of the Centre for Library Science and Methodology, National Széchényi Library in 1995. A sample of 1000 was taken in five county, five town libraries and two branch libraries of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library. Reading habits have changed fundamentally for the past few years: the need for quick information has increased, and so has the rate of students among readers. There has also been a growing demand for social functions of public libraries. The dominance of book borrowing has come to an end, while inhouse reading, copying and computerised services gained significance. The library image of people has not changed so radically: information services, and the knowledge mediating role of the library is not marked enough for those interviewed. (pp. 59-71)

U SMARC - UseMARCON - HUNMARC. Data exchange format of bibliographic records and the conversion


The article is a brief survey of the emergence of MARC formats, their components, standardisation efforts, the UseMARCON conversion programme by means of which any MARC format can be converted to any other. HUNMARC was issued in 1994 in accordance with Hungarian standards of librarianship. Some important questions arising in connection with the implementation of HUNMARC can be answered by comparing the HUNMARC and USMARC formats. Problem areas defined: 1. some USMARC fields excluded from HUNMARC, 2. some HUNMARC fields not to be found in USMARC, 3. one element in USMARC, several elements in HUNMARC, 4. indicators explained differently, 5. differences in punctuation, 6. fields with the same tags having different contents. (pp. 73-80)


LANG, Brian: The future of libraries - from the British Library point of view

(Abstr. : Mándy Gábor)(pp. 83-87)

SAUVAGEAU, Philippe: National libraries of the future - as seen in Quibec

(Abstr.: Mándy Gábor)(pp. 88-90)

BELAVAL, Philippe : The French national library: a large library turning outwards

(Abstr.: Mándy Gábor)(pp. 91-93)

ALEKSANDROVNA, ELENA: The national parliamentary library of the Ukraine: problems of formation and prospects of growth  

(Abstr.: Mándy Gábor)
(pp. 94-95)

Mikulás Gábor: Privatisation of information and library activities. A review

(pp. 96-101)

Book reviews

Petrik memorial volume. Ed. by Anikó Nagy  
(Rev.: Kertész Gyula)(pp. 103-106)

The Internet Library: casestudiesof library Internet management and use. Ed. Julie Still
(Rev.: Halasiné Wittinghoff Judit)(pp. 106-109)

PINTO, Maria - GÁLVEZ, Carmen: Análisis documental de contenido .
(Rev.: Koltay Tibor (109-112)

Selected accession list of the Library Science Library
(pp. 113-118)

From foreign journals (Abstracts) 
(pp. 119-199)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár