40. évfolyam, 1994. 4. szám


The computer network of the National Széchényi Library


The development of the computer network of the National Széchényi Library has been determined by the supply and conditions of the 80s. The library installed the DOBIS/LIBIS integrated library system on an IBM 9221 mainframe computer. The internal network has been developed continuously. PCs have been connected to a Novell network, and a n X.25 connection has also been established to be able to access national and international networks (such as Internet). it is planned that instead of the packet switched lines, networks will be accessed via leased lines that creates more favourable conditions for use. Simultaneous access to 21 CD-ROMs is provided by a CD-ROM server, and a fax server is just being installed. Multimedia cannot be used in the present Ethernet network, therefore their use will be bound to a given workstation. Linking the two Novell networks is also a part of their plans. External access to some databases has to be solved still, and decisions should be made with regard to capabilities. The problems of the Hungarian National Bibliography, let it be printed or in machine readable format, are still unsolved: the conversion of the Hungarian National Bibliography to DOBIS/LIBIS is going on. Holdings having been acquired since 1992 can be searched in the OPAC. There are problems still to be solved such as character sets, printing in the network etc. The erection of a service system run under Unix on a Sun computer is also considered. (pp. 507-511)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár