40. évfolyam, 1994. 2. szám


The activity of the Centre for Library Science and Methodology, National Széchényi Library in 1993

The report was compiled on the basis of that of departments. A) Expert activity is dominant in coordination: the compilation of a pack on Western European library legislation founding decisions; comments on the modification of copy right legislation. Activities related to the handling of applications, dealing with foundations, book donations from the United States were carried on. An English-Hungarian conference on management and marketing was organized; plans were made for the establishment of the Hungarian National Sound Archive; the promotion of talking books was continued; a conference was organized for children's librarians. B.) In the field of collection development and bibliographic advising, the reorganization of the selection guide "Új Könyvek" (New Books) was inevitable. The department aided collection development in libraries, participated in the development of Hungarian libraries abroad, and dealt with problems of local studies. C.) The unit for training and methodology organized training for the three grades of the school of library assistants, contributed to similar courses in other libraries. A UNIX network was installed in classrooms for the demonstration of the management of multimedia documents in libraries. Methodological aids were prepared in the fields of library construction, furnishing, standardization and computerization. D.) In the reading research department investigations into the reading habits of teachers and Hungarians living outside the Hungarian border were continued. A collection of studies in the sociology of reading and culture (entitled: Szó - művészet - társadalom, Words - Art - Society) and a volume including papers presented at the HUNRA Conference (entitled: Pedagógusképzés és olvasásra nevelés, Teachers' training and education for reading) was compiled and issued. E.) The Special Library for Library Science relaxed heavy use in the examination period by extending opening hours. The majority of accessions were received through exchange of publications and gifts. Reference databases (database of domestic and foreign articles in librarianship, book database, IFLA papers, guide to services of Hungarian libraries, thesaurus of librarianship, anniversaries, directory database of libraries, etc.) are developed and made available for users.
(pp. 187-194)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár