38. évfolyam, 1992. 3. szám



The library journal Könyvtári Figyelõ - as evaluated by fifty subscribers

KOVÁCS Katalin

Aiming at rationalization and for economic reasons some fundamental changes have been carried out in the structure of the library quarterly Könyvtári Figyelõ in the year 1991. The most remarkable change was the starting of a new column intending to replace the discontinued abstracting journal KDSZ (Könyvtári és Dokumentációs Szakirodalom - Library and Information Science Literature). A year later, in order to evaluate the changes, a questionnaire was mailed to each subcriber. The low number of returned questionnaires indicates a great deal of indifference, however, those responding were satisfied with the selection of topics, the style of the articles, and the outward appearance of the journal. Several important topics were also suggested for coverage. The respondents rated Könyvtári Figyelõ as the leading source of information in the field of library and information science. (pp. 440-444)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár