36. évfolyam, 1990. 3-4. szám |
Archívum |
The document and information supply to science in Hungary.
SZ. NAGY Lajos
State of the art and proposals. - The author reports, relying on a nationwide survey carried out by the National Széchényi Library Centre for Library Science and Methodology, on the present state of document and information supply to science in Hungary and makes recommendations on development objectives. The organizations playing a central role in the information supply to this field belong into the following categories: 1. universities and the Hungarian Academy of Science (HAS), 2. academic institutions of the field 3. libraries of organizations. In spite of existing internal and external problems (financial restrictions, the scattered ness of libraries in terms of their location, modest salaries, unqualified workforce in jobs requiring professional librarians) notable development has started in the mid-80's. The libraries of some universities, of academic institutions of the field and of institutes of HAS (the Lajos Kossuth University of Debrecen , the Budapest Institute of Technology) built out online access to international databases (e.g. Dialog, INIS). Complementary offline services are provided by the libraries of the Veszprém Institute of Chemical Industry and the HAS. The letter possesses a rich collection of databases on CD-ROM. To increase the rentability and effectiveness of document and information supply, the large libraries concerned submitted proposals in June 1990 on new areas and ways of cooperation. The National Széchényi Library Centre for Library Science and Methodology is playing a role of coordination in developing the cooperation among them. (pp. 242-250)
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Észrevételek |