36. évfolyam, 1990. 3-4. szám



The activities of the National Széchényi Library Centre for Library Science and Methodology in 1989.


The year 1989 required from the Centre the organic continuation of its activities as regards their contents, but with a new approach and working methods. The Centre took part in a number of tasks related to the preparation of decision-making and compiled professional aids. The acquisition guide Új Könyvek (New Books) was published 26 times. A new periodicals bibliography Új Periodikumok (New Serials) started publication which follows up quickly the changes in the market of journals. To assist the collections of Hungarian cultural institutions abroad in their development continued to be the duty of the Centre. The Centre organized the distribution of book gifts from the US (SABRE, Brother's Brother). Its advisory service assisting computerisation undertook the preparation of 6 software packages for libraries. Training activities included the organization and administration of courses, the compilation of professional aids and software packages. The field of reading research was successful. The Centre's Library Science Library provides, among others, regular SDI services from its own database. The Centre started the publication of a new professional Journal with the title Könyvtári Levelezolap (Library Postcard). (pp. 281-286)

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár