Abstracts – 3/2019


Data literacy skills of Hungarian researchers

In 2018, the authors conducted an online survey of Hungarian researchers’ data literacy, as part of an international project. The basic questionnaire was compiled in 2017 by Professor Serap Kurbonoglu (University of Ankara) and Professor Joumana Boustany (Université Paris). Their findings have been reported in international publications.

The Hungarian survey covered 108 researchers. The responses were compared with those from Croatia, Iceland, Spain and Slovenia within the international survey.

Seven general questions (about demographics) were followed by 18 multiple-choice questions about how researchers manage their own research data. These questions focused on: access to data required for research, the forms of data used, the use of external data, knowledge of data storage solutions, issues of long-term data retention, use of supplementary information, issues of data sharing, knowledge of metadata, use of referencing systems, data storage requirements, open access, existence of institutional data management strategies, costs related to research data, etc.

In their analysis the authors highlighted similarities to and differences from the responses of foreign researchers, and provided suggestions on steps to be taken to modernize research knowledge (e.g., participation in data management training, rethinking joint data use and data sharing under OA), further investigations, etc.).

Keywords: Digitization; Survey; Information services to research; Preservation; Open access; Research; Researcher

Digitization of books and journals at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
HOLL András – HORVÁTH Hajnalka – BILICSI Erika – NAGY Erika – TÖMÖRY Pál

The digitization programme of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) is based on the strategy for 2014-2018 approved by the Board of HAS. The aim of the programme is to digitize, as comprehensively as possible, the journals and books related to HAS, i.e. published by HAS, by Akadémiai Kiadó, with support from HAS, or by HAS institutions. As the relevant material is of enormous quantity, a selection had to be made: the programme therefore focused on journals, since they were easier to collect and there were fewer obstacles to digitizing and publishing them). In some cases, however, the project drew on a wider range of sources (digitizing non-HAS journals published by other scientific societies, and even some journals from the Reform Era from the collections of the Library, the latter being not research journals but important sources for researchers). In regards to books, the programme dealt primarily with volumes published before World War I. The digitization of materials on microfilm also started, concerning currently only a very small part of the collection.

Keywords: Research library; Digitization; Access; Preservation; Open access; MTA KIK

The problems of digitizing Hungarian cultural heritage

For a long time, there was no comprehensive plan for the digital preservation of Hungarian cultural heritage, defining the tasks of public education and public collections. Previous digitization work in public collections has typically resulted in a fragmented digital content with different resolutions, and its co-ordinated use remains to be solved. Libraries considered digitization for preservation purposes as their primary task, and paid less attention to usage-oriented digitization needs. In addition to the digitization of library and museum collections across Europe, work has already begun on the digital preservation of monuments, historic buildings and archaeological finds.

The author presents the institutions created in Hungary for the digital preservation of cultural heritage and their initiatives (National Digital Data Archive, Hungarian National Digital Archive) from the establishment of the John von Neumann Digital Library and Multimedia Centre in 1997 to the present day. The international projects discussed include Europeana, as well as the former Minerva, Michael and DC-Net programmes. The study provides an overview of the Public Collections Digitization Strategy (KDS) compiled in 2017 as part of the Digital National Development Programme, and two major online services defined therein, the National Database Project (NAP) and the Hungarian Internet Archive (MIA). The former aims at enabling digital archives to be searched via a standardized interface within an integrated search system, while the latter has been massively archiving in the National Library from 2017 publicly accessible, Hungary-related web pages within the National Library Platform (OKP) project as a pilot.

Keywords: Digitization; National co-operation; International co-operation; Access; Cultural heritage; Preservation; National collection


Offline librarians – online users. Innovative solutions for planning library services
KISS Gábor

While libraries are operating offline, adapting to local conditions and circumstances, library users can access library services online from anywhere in the world, as libraries themselves have online access to the services of any other library in the world. The library image of Hungarian society is based on rather conservative, old stereotypes. Libraries need to continually justify their existence to society, and this is reinforced by their users being satisfied with the quality and diversity of library services. Librarians are constantly looking for ways of renewal. The challenges faced are as follows: libraries can be central players and platforms for lifelong learning, for developing the digital literacy of the local population and for community building. Public libraries strive to succeed through creative use of grant resources, involvement in national digitization projects, and librarians are seeking new types of competencies. As an experienced public librarian, the author illustrates these aspirations toward expanding services (trainings to improve the IT skills of the population, introduction of a creative spaces, etc.) through practices partly from his own library and partly from its network.

Keywords: Duties; Library users; Public library; Services; Social needs

The impact of literature therapy on adolescents living in foster homes

In this study literary texts were jointly processed by a group of disadvantaged young people under the direction of therapists. The author (and her colleagues involved in the project) added special features (lyrics, musical instruments, games) to the methods generally applied. Libraries offer an ideal location for bibliotherapy. In this case, the therapists dealt with investigating the needs of and assisting adolescents living in foster homes, who cope with a variety of problems. One of the important aims of this therapy was to awaken their ability of self-reflection and self-awareness, and, indirectly, to support their integration into society.

Keywords: Bibliotherapy; Disadvantaged readers

Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP)

The two most important documents defining the future of library cataloguing are the 2016 edition of the Statement of International Cataloging Principles (ICP) and the 2017 IFLA Library Reference Model (IFLA LRM). The Hungarian translation of both these basic documents has been recently completed. Könyvtári Figyelő provides the full Hungarian translation of ICP. This translation uses the terminology adopted unanimously by the Hungarian Library Standardization Committee.

Keywords: Standardization; Library and documentation standards


The publication of supplementary volumes to the Petrik Bibliography has finished. An overview of the retrospective Hungarian national bibliography, 18th century

The last supplementary volume of the so-called Petrik Bibliography (Magyarország bibliographiája 1712–1860. X. Nyomda- és kiadástörténeti útmutató a IX. kötetben közreadott magyarországi (és külföldi magyar nyelvű) 1701–1800 között megjelent nyomtatványokhoz, Budapest, 2018.) was published in 2018, it includes publications from 53 printing places and 112 printing houses. On this occasion, the author reviews the system of the retrospective Hungarian national bibliography, presents Petrik’s basic bibliography and its supplementary volumes, as well as the work of the editorial board of Old Hungarian Prints in the National Széchényi Library. Thanks to the work of the expert staff, the knowledge about the prints from the 18th century is approaching bibliographic completeness.

Keywords: National bibliography; History of printing in Hungary; Retrospective bibliography; National Széchényi Library; Old Hungarian Prints; RMNY; Géza Petrik

Copies of the two editions of the Pécs Missale and their local significance

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review), vol. 29. (65.) 2019. no. 3. pp. 431–443The Pécs Public Episcopal Library, founded in 1774, contains a single preprint on the local diocese, the Pécs Missale. It was produced in two editions: printed in 1487 in Basel and in 1499 in Venice resp. The first edition of the Pécs Missale is available today in a single copy, while the second edition – in four copies in Hungary. The study describes the copies of the second edition in Hungarian collections; how the individual copies (three decorated parchments) became the property of the Diocese of Pécs, the National Széchényi Library and the Pannonhalma Archabbey Library, an undecorated copy of the NSZL, the unique features of the specimens, and how they survived.

Keywords: Book history; Printing history; Early prints


Dr. Szabolcsné Gomba (dr. Olga Lábos)deceased (1935-2019)

The former Director-General of the University and National Library at the Debrecen University (earlier: Kossuth Lajos University, University Library) was managing the library in the period 1980 through 1995. Her achievements include, among others, creating the computer infrastructure of the university library, as well as new library spaces to cease the lack of library rooms.

Keywords: University library; Library building; Computerisation; Kossuth Lajos University, University Library; Debrecen University, University and National Library; Obituary

Farewell to Zoltán Simon (1935-2019)
GELLÉR Hajnalka

Remembering the former director of the Hajdú-Bihar County Library. He joined the staff of the county library in 1964. In the period 1967 through 1991 headed the methodological department of the library, and in 1991 to 1995 worked as library director. His activities as aesthete and editor of a literary journal were also acknowledged.

Keywords: County library; Fiction; Obituary; Hajdú-Bihar County Library, Debrecen


Focus on open science. A conference in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
BÓDOG András

Report on the conference co-organized in the Library and Information

Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by the National Programme Electronic Information Services (EISZ) and the Scientific Knowledge Services (SKS) on September 17, 2019. The main theme of the conference was the stimulating effect of open science on research communities.

Keywords: Research library; International conference; Open access; Scientific publishing


Enthusiasm? Forced surrender? Temporary experiment? Recent analyses about the action and behaviour patterns of German public library managers under Nazi rule (1933–1945)

Volksbibliothekare im Nationalsozialismus. Handlungsspielräume. Kontinuitäten. Deutungsmuster. Eds. Sven Kuttner, Peter Vodosek, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz V., 2017. 324 p.

(Reviewed by Péter Sonnevend)

Keywords: National library policy; Library history; Public library; Library profession; Germany; Book review

Real library – library reality. Studies on library and information science 2018.

Valóságos könyvtár – könyvtári valóság. Könyvtár- és információtudományi tanulmányok 2018. Eds. Kiszl Péter, Csík Tibor. Budapest, ELTE BTK KITI, 2018. 383 p.

(Reviewed by Tibor Koltay)

Keywords: Digitization; Electronic library; Conference material; Librarianship; Library education; Artificial intelligence; Open access; Web


Kategória: 2019. 3. szám | A közvetlen link.