Abstract – 4/2018


Semantic webs and artificial intelligence. Part 2: Interrelations of libraries and artificial intelligence
HORVÁTH Zoltánné

Part 2 of this study deals with forecasts on artificial intelligence (AI) applications, expert systems based on knowledge representation, and transformation of search processes. The introduction of semantic data processing, data link structures, computer-based learning, text analysis, and evaluation methods in libraries results in a clear paradigm shift in their services. Further developments or the replacement of MARC-based cataloguing, and the adaptation of library expert systems to the AI environment also influence the development of our professional activity. Named fourth industrial revolution in the literature  the initiative refers to developing semantic networking systems, incorporating the data of web, deep web, deep learning areas, as well as digitization and networking, and expanding communication between computers. Mobile technology is also adopting new technologies, and virtual/extended reality applications that can be used in leisure time activities, education and research are increasing. The article also discusses the impact of the use of new technologies on various generations, the importance of developing library data models as related to exploring the deep layers of information, and the use of data management, data and content research, and text mining in libraries.

Keywords: Computerised search; Networks; Information technology; Artificial intelligence; Semantic web

Renewing the services of the twenty-year-old Digital Literary Academy
TÓSZEGI Zsuzsanna

The Digital Literary Academy (DIA), supported by the Ministry of Culture, was launched twenty years ago with the aim to make the copyrighted complete oeuvre of outstanding contemporary Hungarian authors (elec­ted members of the Academy) available free of charge in a digitized text collection. The DIA program­me was launched in 1998 as a co-operation between the John von Neumann Digital Library and the Petőfi Museum of Literature (PIM); its web page has been accessible since the spring of 2000. Since January 2007, the service has been curated entirely by PIM. The article outlines progress in 2018, and discusses the renewed online system of DIA in detail. In the first phase of development, user and service environment have been upgraded, followed by  the technical upgrade of DIA’s deep structure through creating a new software background in the next phase.

Keywords: Electronic library; National collection; Belles-lettres

The situation of librarians and their role in society. Sociological and demographic composition of the library profession in 2018
JÁVORKA Brigitta

In May 2018, the Department of Organization Development at the Hungarian Library Institute conducted an online survey to collect data  to examine the role of librarians in society (employment, professional qualifications, age characteristics, wage, time being employed at the same workplace, fluctuation, attrition, etc.). The directors of every library contributing to library statistics was invited to complete the questionnaire, and to pass it on to their colleagues to answer certain questions. The article provides an analysis of the age distribution of librarians, their qualifications, the geographic distribution of their libraries, the gender distribution in leadership positions, professional experience, previous jobs, and the duration of employment at the institution, etc. Findings suggest that women continue to dominate the profession, but the proportion of male librarians has increased (mainly in special libraries). The number of college graduates has increased (to a lesser extent than the national average), while the number of students enrolled in library and information science programmes has decreased. The smallest number of librarians work in the Central Transdanubian region, and the average age is the highest there.

Keywords: Survey; Library profession; Statistics

Reading tales and becoming readers

In 2017, in the priority project entitled „My library”, within the EU project of the Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library (EFOP-3.3.3.-VEKOP-16-2016-000001 “Museum and library developments for all”), two nationally representative reading and library usage surveys were conducted with 1,500 participants among the age group 3 to 18 and aged older than 18 (for the earlier reports see Könyvtári Figyelő 2018/1. pp. 45-60., and 2018/2. pp. 188-200.). This time the answers on reading tales collected in the 3 to 17 age group are analyzed. Data have been collected in four age groups (kindergarten, lower and upper sections of elementary school and secondary school), through personal inquiries, in the case of children younger than 10 in the presence of parents, and in a home environment. Parents’ educational qualifications, occupation, the geographical location of the place of residence and school type are all influencing factors of reading habits. Children to whom tales are read are more likely to become readers themselves, and with their better competences of text comprehension, they succeed better in learning and later at work.

Keywords: Survey; Tales; Reading; Education to reading; Kindergarten; Elementary and secondary school students


“New jargon for a new system”! On terminology and translation issues of the international cataloguing principles

Introduced several decades ago, the Hungarian vocabulary of cataloguing  calls for adapting to current expectations, to the information environment and its tools. The world of data is going through radical transformations aiming to better capture the levels of semantic layers, and the developments require different perspectives and modern solutions from the library sector. The article wishes to contribute to the translation works of the International Cataloguing Principles of 2016 into Hungarian, and to the renewal of the relevant vocabulary, by highlighting some general terminological considerations, and the difficulties of translating terms, as well as offering some interpretation-oriented proposals.

Keywords: Cataloguing rules; Terminology

Comments on Dudás Anikó’s Article
DANCS Szabolcs

Keywords: Cataloguing rules; Terminology


Quality management issues of traditional and electronic training forms

In this part of the series, the authors deal with issues that determine the quality of electronic education and legal regulations, and present the qualitative characteristics of electronic learning materials. Quality assurance affects all areas of library work, including education and  continuing professional education. The most rigorous requirements are applied to registered post-secondary courses providing professional qualifications. The principles of quality assurance should also be considered in the e-learning environment, and should be used when developing a didactically well-structured learning material. In accredited training courses, e-learning materials are mostly the background materials of traditional training, but some blended training has also been successfully accredited. A detailed description is provided of asserting the new principles of quality assurance (MIR) in the teaching activity of the Hungarian Library Institute.

Keywords: Quality assurance; Computer-based education; Distance learning; Hungarian Library Institute


Interviews with prominent librarians
JÓNÁS Károly

In 1994, the author conducted interviews with prominent librarians at the invitation of the Sallai István Society. The interviewees had earlier been staff members of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament, and remembered the time they spent there. The interview subjects were Sándor Balázs, Pál Györe, Éva Lakatos, Gyula Lukács and Tibor Tombor.

Keywords: Parliamentary library, Career, Sándor Balázs, Pál Györe, Éva Lakatos, Gyula Lukács, Tibor Tombor

The former Director-General of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament, Endre Száva-Kováts (1928-2017) was born ninety years ago
JÓNÁS Károly

The article recalls Endre Száva-Kováts, deceased a year ago: his family background, professional career, research activities in geography and information science, as well as the five years of his professional activity as Director-General of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament between 1991 and 1996.

Keywords: Parliamentary library, Obituary

Füzéki István Medal 2018
POGÁNY György: Laudation of Sándor Dörnyei

Sándor Dörnyei (1926-) is a bibliographer who compiled bibliographies on medicine, medical history and pharmaceutics, and is the author of important works on medical history. In 1957, he was removed from the National Széchényi Library for his role in the revolution. He was rehired only after his retirement in 1986, as a staff member of the Editorial Office of Old Hungarian Prints (RMNY). In 2006, he received the Széchényi Ferenc Prize, and in 2014 he was awarded the title „Bibliotecarius emeritus” at the national library.

Keywords: Public activities, Career

Notes on e-reading during browsing the materials of the EU Working Group

In the recently finished EU project ”COST Action EREAD” (2014-2018), a team of international experts worked on the complex interpretation of reading, with special attention to e-reading. Their findings were published, among others, in the thematic issue (October 2018) of the online journal, First Monday. The paper describes the relevant findings based on the studies in this issue, complemented by the author’s reflections.

Keywords: E-book; E-reading; Vision; Research report; Reading; Reading habits; Readers

Profession, education, research: library and information science for a strong library profession. Education and research in the Swedish library strategy’s framework

In the Swedish national library, there is an independent organizational unit dealing with the preparation of a new library strategy. Completed working materials are available on a blog portal (http://nationellbibliotheksstrategi.blogg.kb.se). The article summarizes the report in which libraries and information science training centers in Sweden made suggestions on how the education sector’s actors and LIS research centres can contribute to the libraries’ social mission. As the library profession gets more and more complex, it requires not only continuous professional replenishment, but regular extension training and the education of young researchers as well.

Keywords: Development plan; Library strategy; Library education; LIS research; National library; Social expectations; Sweden


Hungarian literature on the web
Kerekes Pál – Kiszl Péter: Magyar irodalom a világhálón. Szabadon elérhető magyar nyelvű szöveggyűjtemények. [publ. ELTE BTK KITI]. Budapest, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2018. 134 p.

(Reviewed by: Lencsés Ákos)


Keywords: E-book; Internet; Review; Collections of text

Children’s drawings about World War I
„Gyermekvilágháború” 1914-1918 rajzokban. Szerk. Bogdán Melinda. Eger, Eszterházy Károly Egyetem OFI, OPKM, 2017. 94 p.

(Reviewed by Pogány György)

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review), vol. 28. (64.) 2018. no. 4. pp. 616-618.

Keywords: Childrens’drawings; History; Hungary; Review

New bibliographies ussued by the Hungarian Institute of Research History and Health Science (MTEI, Budapest)

Gazda István: Száz év a pesti könyvkereskedelem és szakkönyvkiadás történetéből 1748-1848. (2017, 234 p. ;  A hundred years from the history of book trade and publishing special literature in Pest 1748-1848 with special regard to publications in science) + A Magyar Tudós Társaság által kiadott könyvek és folyóiratok 1831-1848. (2018. 203 p.; Books and journals published by the Magyar Tudós Társaság)

(Reviewed by: Pogány György)

Keywords: History of book trade; History of book publishing; Special literature; Research publications; Review

Klára Koltay (1957-2018) (VIRÁGOS Márta)

Dr. Klára Koltay worked as Deputy Director-General of the University and National Library of Debrecen University (DEENK). As a developer and project manager, her name is associated with professional activities of national importance, such as the development and transformations related to the National Document Supply System (ODR), or the national shared cataloging project and database of subject headings (MOKKA and Matriksz).

Keywords: Obituary, University library, Debrecen University, University and National Library

From library and information science journals (Abstracts)

Kategória: 2018. 4. szám | A közvetlen link.