Abstracts – 3/2015


Talent management in LIS education


The Institute of Library and Information Science at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) implements various forms and programmes of talent management. Related activities can be classified into various categories: building relationships between secondary schools and ELTE, information provision on LIS training and specializations, research workshops at the LIS Department (e.g., dealing with education development, e-book research, management, business information, research into the history of books, libraries and the media, Web 2.0, content delivery, network-based reference etc.). The most talented students can join so-called professional colleges (named after József Eötvös, István Bibó and János Bolyai) which cover all disciplines of teaching and research. Talent management for individuals includes tutoring and demonstrator posts. The article also covers other issues of talent management, such as the PhD programme in LIS, the mentoring system, talent management in the education of teacher-librarians (being planned) and the widening international relations of the Institute.

Keywords: LIS education, LIS schools, Talent management, Research

Coaching and its use in the practice
of a company and a library


For the efficient functioning of an organization several assistive methods can be applied, such as psychological counselling, therapy, training, mentoring, coaching etc. Coaching constitutes a counselling process for individuals or groups, in which professional goals to be achieved are set based on the findings of a state-of-the-art review. Coaching helps in mobilizing one’s own resources, and encourages the organization’members to work in a conscious, responsible and efficient manner. A definition of the concept and a presentation of its types are followed by an analysis of the subject in library literature. Two practical examples of coaching – at a company and at a university library – illustrate how coaching functions in the daily life of organizations.

Keywords: Coaching, Efficiency, University library, Work­flow, Working atmosphere, Staff, Management

Considerations on the Semantic Web and the ALIADA software


After a summary of Kevin Kelly’s article (The next 5000 days of the Web, In: TEDX, December 2007), the author reviews the developmental stages of the network. Initially, computers were sharing packages among themselves, later they shared web pages, while today they are sharing data. Nowadays, more and more libraries and museums upload their data to the Semantic Web. Libraries, museums and archives convert their data into a series of RDF statements, link them to the statements made by others, and make them available to all. ALIADA (Automatic publication under Linked Data Paradigm of Library Data) is an EU-financed project and, at the same time, the name of an open-source software, which allows museums and libraries to automatically publish their data on the Semantic Web. The software’s final version will have been prepared by the end of 2015. It can be viewed at https://github.com/ALIADA/aliada-tool.

Keywords: Public collections, Union catalogue, Computer network, Semantic Web, Software, ALIADA


Award-winning works of the National Conference of Students doing Research (OTDK) (Part 1)

Security analysis of DRM technologies for e-books

NAGY Andor

It is one of the greatest challenges for libraries to de­velop services related to e-books, while there are conflicting interests hindering library service provision. Most players on the market see the DRM (Digital Rights Management) technologies as the solution. Publishers, however, do not trust their efficiency. The goal of DRM is to stop the illegal circulation of e-books bought or borrowed from a legal source. Many of the largest corporations have developed their own DRM solutions, thus libraries and bookstores can choose from many different options. However, most owners of intellectual property, afraid of online „piracy”, are not keen on distributing their publications in an electronic format. The research described provides an insight into DRM technologies, their operation and security deficiencies. In the author’s view there is no DRM solution that can efficiently fulfil its mission, consequently, the owners of intellectual property have to find other means of protection against illegal distributors when designing library services.

Keywords: DRM technology, E-books, E-book publishing, State of the art, Copy prevention, Copyright


The procedure of  review boards and B listing at the National Széchényi Library in 1945–1946 (Part 1)


As a consequence of Hungary’s defeat in World War II in the summer of 1945, the staff of public institutions, especially their managers, were obliged to verify that after September 1, 1939 they had not engaged in behaviours against the Hungarian people. A decree of the Prime Minister ordered to conduct this procedure. The meetings of the so-called review boards were not held in public, and the board decided either to validate or reject those subjected to review. In the spring of 1946, B listing took the place of review boards (B lists contained the names of those to be dismissed). B listing was a measure with a strong political bias with its primary purpose to downsize civil service. Review boards existed until August 1947, and they dismissed about 50-60 thousand persons. The study describes in detail the review procedure of the Director-General of the National Széchényi Library, József Fitz (1934 through 1945).

Keywords: History of librarianship, Librarian’s career, National library, Staff policy

Library – before the library

The „ancestor” of the ELTE University Library, Budapest (1561–1635)


Among the predecessors operating the University Library, Budapest, the Jesuit order had played a significant role already before the university’s foundation by Péter Pázmány in 1635. Monks often showed up in the church organizations preserving the collection in Trnava (Nagyszombat) and in Klastor pod Znievom (Túróc-Znióváralja). The book collection served first of all secondary education. The old books collection of the University Library from before 1800 is made up of several parts. The „ancestor” collection (antiquissima 1561-1635) is now preserved in several parts of the collection. The incunabula collection includes among others a sixteenth-century textbook from Túróc-Znióváralja. The author reports on the recently identified forty volumes in the ancestor collection and her related research work.

Keywords: University library, Book history, Library history, Old and rare books


Library Services Platforms, or what comes after ILS

DANCS Szabolcs

A review based on literature dealing with recent phenomena of library automation. Recent trends indicate the growth of digital collections, changes in the expectations towards user interfaces, a new approach to data and software services (SaaS and PaaS models), and a new generation of integrated library systems (ILS), called Library Services Platforms (LSPs). LSPs are apt for managing printed and digital collections together, and use cloud technologies. This article presents the platform’s development criteria, functional and technical specifications, the LSPs in use, discusses strategies of purchasing LSPs and discovery tools. Provides an overview of the market regarding the take-up of LSPs, and refers to potential standards and guidelines.

Keywords: Integrated library systems (ILS), Library Services Platform (LSP), Literature review, Software

FELVÉGI Emese – MATTHEW, Kathryn I .: Literacy in the Digital Age

(Translated by Ilona Hegyközi)

Information and communication technologies have transformed literacy in the globalized era. Information literacy research is expanding its scope adjusting to new information and communication conditions. Today, individuals need to master complex skills to access information. Progressive education aims to offer relevant skills and knowledge, assisting those lagging behind to catch up and facilitating their mobility. This review article discusses the following themes in its chapters: The function and challenges of literacy in the new millennium; New skills for the new millennium; Redefining literacy for the knowledge society; New literacies as capital; The digital divide as a literacy issue.

Keywords: Information literacy, Reading development


The fate of two cultural institutions in Transylvania

DANI Erzsébet: Székelyföldi intézményi sors két meghatározó kulturális közgyűjtemény tör­té­ne­tének tükrében. Budapest, Argumentum, 2015.

(Reviewed by Miklós Bényei)

Keywords: Hungarians abroad, Library history, Museum, Cultural history, Research library, Transylvania, Review

Books and psyche – Lectures of the first Hungarian conference on bibliotherapy

Könyv és lélek. Biblioterápiai tanulmányok. Szerk. Gombos Péter, Vörös Klára. Budapest, Magyar Olvasástársaság, 2015.

(Reviewed by Judit Béres)

Keywords: Bibliotherapy, Conference material, Review


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