

Libraries in the world of the semantic web

Fundamentally, the semantic web creates a global networked metadata infrastructure which makes it possible to integrate and interpret data on the web. Research in science and technology has been dealing with related developments for more than ten years now but a deep analysis of this phenomenon from the point of libraries has not yet been compiled.
The author describes the vision of the intelligent web, reviews relevant international and Hungarian literature, and presents the main elements of the semantic web (RDF, OWL) and the related standardisation efforts. He always tackles the role of libraries and outlines a vision for them. Libraries are places where cataloguing and classification knowledge is concentrated; their catalogues include semantically encoded information which can be made accessible for all, after adequate coding by standards for the semantic web and opening up databases for web applications.
The author sets out his thesis that libraries – as creative actors, though less visible for users – may contribute to the high-standard use of the global network infrastructure by publishing their metadata and content, using semantic technologies; by preparing knowledge management systems and applying semantic web standards.

Web 2.0 – knowledge management
TÓTH Erzsébet – SZÁSZ Péter

With the Web 2.0 new habits of internet use started. The earlier static internet use was replaced by active individual users and self-organising communities, and the web appears as a complex platform. The authors discuss what kind of assistance the Web 2.0 (content management tools, blogs, community pages, link sharing, e-learning software etc.) would mean in developing organisational culture within organisations. They found that the breakthrough of Web 2.0 at enterprises is still to be waited for, its spreading within organisations requires a different approach, and the young generation shows affinity towards these changes. Google as a firm has implemented this approach, and has successfully introduced knowledge economy.

Experience for a life time: process control in a small library (A case study)

The Szent István University Veterinary Science Library, Museum and Archives has started total quality management, and set up several of its elements in recent years. The library has been constantly struggling with recurring problems which may be eliminated with the tools of process control. The author tried to implement the theoretical statements of process control in practice.
When describing and assessing processes customer-orientation starts with the library’s services (output-based model) which include the required outputs (and fulfil definite quality criteria). Having identified these one can set the scale ensuring the optimum of pro¬cess description. The depth of the processes inventory is determined by the variability of processes. In libraries almost all process types are to be found, from strongly regulated mass processes with little variability to almost fully unique professional services, and they can be managed using different regulation solutions. The various forms of depiction of processes may essentially support process management.
The library in question has identified, based on the complaints of internal and external partners, 14 problems that may be associated with process control. In certain cases it suffices to document tasks and responsibilities to settle the process. There are, however, such failures which require process control, or a transformation of processes. The basic characteristics should be reconsidered for all processes, and this can be supported by using a process management form.
In Hungary’s mostly small libraries it is not necessary and cannot be expected that a formal, well-documented process control covering all work areas be carried out. It is rather individual habits, introversion that threaten processes here, more than in larger organisations. Consequently, user satisfaction surveys, reconsideration of processes, and a continuous monitoring of some indicators may help a lot in asserting the PDCA/SCDA cycle. This is very important because the service-delivery process constitutes for the customer – in the library world: for the user – an interesting, important and valuable experience for a life time.


BROOKS, Greg: Family literacy in Europe and beyond: a review of research.
(Translated by Ilona Hegyközi)

The essay summarises the history and results of family literacy programmes in England, and quantitative data from around the world on the effectiveness of similar international programmes. Family literacy programmes represent the convergence of two previously separate traditions: adult literacy programmes for people with poor reading and writing skills, and parents sharing books with their children, e.g. in ’Parental involvement in reading’ programmes.
The first development programmes started in 1994 organised by the Basic Skills Agency (BSA) in communities of England  and Wales. All were in areas of multiple deprivation. Programmes were aimed at families with a child aged 3-6 years and with poor literacy. Different sessions were organised for parents and kids, but they had sessions together also; in these the parents tried out with their children something they had learnt in their separate sessions. The programmes were shown to be so effective that they were written into government funding. The main quantitative findings were that children were making substantial progress, but the parents were making only small amounts of progress, but their parental skills were improved, e.g. at the mothers, the chance for finding a job increased, and they could follow better the schoolwork of their children. The results of a follow-up in Turkey showed clearly positive changes. The European Commission plans with help of English, German, and Rumanian researchers for 2010 a Europe-wide review of parental support for children’s early literacy development.

ŠPIRANEC, Sonja – BANEK ZORICA, Mihaela: Information Literacy 2.0: hype or discourse refinement?
(Journal of Documentation, 66. vol. 2010. 1. no. p. 140-153.)
(Abstract by Tibor Koltay)

The concept of information literacy (IL) has considerably shifted towards Information literacy 2.0. IL practices do not rely on a print-based culture any more but on digital information based on texts which are not stable, can be modified, copied and multiplied. Digital literacy means an ability to understand and use information coming from a variety of digital sources. IL in a web environment is overlapping and integrated with digital literacy, as both are based on information coming from digital sources.
IL 2.0 intends to comprise information products as a whole while it relies on existing structures and professional practice, extending it with new points of view. The essay analyses changes in the interpretation of IL (being ready for eventual debates), and tackles the considerations related to users and educations as well.

HASENAU, Christina: Much light and much shadow: Italian libraries.
(„Viel Licht und viel Schatten. Italienische Bibliotheken. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, vol. 33. 2009. 2. no. p. 181–189.)
(Abstract by Sándor Katsányi)

Italian libraries face several challenges. The rich memories of the country’s old book culture are to be found in many libraries, while public libraries are characterised by obsolete technology, the lack of central guidelines, development programmes and adequate finances. There is a great difference between the situation of libraries in the Northern and the Southern regions. Librarians’ efforts for improvement, their development ideas are curbed by economic realities and local circumstances. The article presents the state of the art of Italian libraries and librarianship by library types.

Two cultures, the third and unified culture. Thoughts on the classification of sciences. From C. P. Snow to E. O. Wilson and further…

The classifications of sciences have been illustrating the unity of knowledge, cultures and disciplines since ancient times. In spite of the existing differences and varieties the systems and system theories confirm, together with the possibility of matching, elementary sameness, the unity of the world, harmony, and the „Consilience” approach. Behind the changes and conditionals we again and again face the deeper universal validity of necessities. On the border-lines of knowledge the power of interdependence and togetherness becomes obvious. Along the splits and ruptures new connections are born. The inspirations and interactions of disciplines are feeding from the roots of the same tree: both the tree of knowledge and the tree of life simultaneously symbolise the finite and the infinite. In the same way as knowledge and life are symbolised by a tree.


UNIMARC manual: authorities format / ed. Mirna Willer. 3rd ed. München : Saur, 2009.
(Review by Anikó Dudás)

Early public libraries in Britain from past to present

BLACK, Alistair – PEPPER, Simon – BAGSHAW, Kaye: Books, buildings and social engineering. Early public libraries in Britain from past to present. (Farnham : Ashgate, 2009.)
(Review by Péter Sonnevend)

Two works on Hungarian book and reading culture: Book culture and erudition in Veszprém county in the 18th-19th centuries; Ferenc Kölcsey’s library and reading materials
HUDI József: Könyv és társadalom. Könyvkultúra és művelődés a XVIII–XIX. századi Veszprém megyében; SZABÓ G. Zoltán: Kölcsey Ferenc könyvtára és olvasmányai  (Bp. : OSZK : Gondolat, 2009.)
(Review by Lajos Murányi)

French books in Hungary in the Age of Enlightenment
GRANASZTÓI Olga: Francia könyvek magyar olvasói. A tiltott irodalom fogadtatása Magyarországon, 1770–1810. (Bp.: OSZK ; Universitas, 2009.)
(Review by György Pogány)

Effective information search on the web
TÓTH Erzsébet: Hatékony információ­keresés a weben. Az internetes keresők lekérdezési hatékonyságának vizsgálata. (Nyíregyháza : Örökségünk Kvk., 2010.)
(Review by Ágnes Szerafin-Szabolcsi)


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