

Geographical names and their role in information retrieval: international developments, problems and experiences with Köztaurusz and Geotaurusz
UNGVÁRY, Rudolf – PÁSZTI, László

Unprofessional internet browsers and the general use of national languages in information search have increased the importance of geographical names in retrieval, and information seeking in libraries must keep pace with this. It has become necessary to create structured vocabularies (thesauri) that reflect the administrative and territorial, historical, neighbourhood etc. relations between geographical names, and make relevant search easier.
The study describes the changes in the possibilities of searching for geographical names, the creation of a Hungarian thesaurus, Geotaurusz that is compatible with many Hungarian universal thesauri, e.g. the one generally used in public libraries, Köztaurusz. Geotaurusz is a universal geographical thesaurus, indicating geographical proper nouns in Hungarian and general geographical names, from today’s Hungary and from the historical periods before 1945, and from other parts of the world.
Geotaurusz contains currently 70 000 names, but is growing continuously, and is one of the largest thesauri also in international comparison. The authors illustrate the geographical thesaurus with many examples.

Four lectures of the Géza Fülöp memorial session  in Szombathely

The Section of Librarians in Social Science Libraries, the Vas County Organisation of the Hungarian Library Association together with the Kovács Máté Foundation organised a session in July 2008 in Szombathely in memory of Géza Fülöp (1928–1998), university professor at ELTE, who was born eighty years ago. After spending years in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and at the Academy Publishing House G. Fülöp has worked at the Library Department of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, from 1986 as its chair. Under his leadership (1986–1994) the position of the department has strengthened, a new curriculum was born: beside the modernization of content and infrastructure two new post-graduate courses were launched (in book history and book museology), and the international contacts were intensified (TEMPUS, BOBCATSSS, EUCLID). G. Fülöp had an active role in Hungarian scientific community, and continued his research in the history of books, readers and reading.

The lectures of the memorial session were the following:
Our teacher and friend, Géza Fülöp by György SEBESTYÉN;
Géza Fülöp, the reformer department head by Sándor SZABÓ;
Géza Fülöp’s two dissertations by Miklós BÉNYEI;
Different views on the reading of women in the first years of the Enlightenment by György POGÁNY.


A virtual journey to Quèbec: on some lectures of the IFLA conference 2008
by Péter DIPPOLD

A subjective review of the official programme of the IFLA world conference 2008 focusing on three topics: 1) current issues of digitisation; 2) the present state and future of national bibliographies; 3) performance indicators and measurement.
These are important development tasks waiting for Hungarian librarianship in all these three fields, so it is useful to get acquainted with the practice of other countries.

Change in library strategy – following the demographic changes in Germany
by Georg RUPPELT (Translated by Ilona Hegyközi)

The demographic structure of the German population is changing (the proportion of older people is growing, the integration of immigrants is problematic, the number of births in German families is sinking, the regional distribution of the population is uneven), and these facts are influencing the library environment as well. Libraries must reconsider their services for the elderly and immigrants. In their outreach to children and young adults libraries should co-operate with other institutions and organisations (such as churches, bookshops, schools, restaurants, sports facilities etc.). In addition to organising popular events the libraries must continue to support traditional study and life-long learning in their reading rooms.
The study describes the programme of the Akademie für Leseförderung der Stiftung Lesen in Hannover that supports reading culture at a regional level.

LEITNER, Gerald: Library laws in Europe – the basis of a library policy for Europe. (Translated by Péter Dévai)

The president of the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations initiated a discussion on the creation of a common library policy in Europe at the conference of the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation in Vienna (May 30, 2008). The European library landscape is heterogeneous, only the two-thirds of the 27 EU-countries have legislation governing the library sector. A common policy guideline was published by EBLIDA and the Council of Europe in 2000, but it has not proved to be very effective. It would be important to concentrate on compiling a White Paper that describes the role of libraries in Europe and recommends the member states to act on behalf of the libraries.
To provide relevant information about European library issues the EBLIDA Executive Committee has decided to establish a Knowledge and Information Centre (KIC) to collect, mediate and disseminate information about the library, information and documentation sector in Europe. The president describes the aims of KIC, and characterises the tasks of five expert groups (on information law, digitization and online access, life-long learning and education, culture and information society, professional education).

Public libraries in Slovenia
PAPP, József

The system of public libraries has evolved in the past sixty years in Slovenia. Its legal background was formed by the library laws of 1945, 1961, 1982 and 2001, all having the imprint of the era on them. In the seventies Slovenian library legislation followed the IFLA Guidelines for public libraries, and adapted experience of the West European countries in library organisation. The new library law of 2001 supports the establishment of a modern library system, pays special attention to the challenges of the digital world. The study describes in detail the library law’s regulations concerning public libraries, and the basic tasks of public libraries as institutions providing public services for their communities.

Some thoughts about democratic culture theory – When will you sign me back on the Facebook?
(Article published before in the weekly Élet és Irodalom vol. 52. évf. 14. no. 2008)

After giving a definition of democratic culture the author presents its techno-cultural, information-political and receptional conditions, and illustrates with two examples (Facebook and collaborative virtual game worlds) the presence of this cultural form in our days. She seeks an answer to, why it is worth to take note of this popular culture gaining ground in our days.

Web 2.0 with critical eyes

LIS journals worldwide are discussing Web 2.0 and the resulting Library 2.0 either in a realistic and descriptive, or in an enthusiastic style. The study analyses Web 2.0 applications on the basis of their four elements (technological, economic, user-centred and philosophical aspects), adding how its use should be taught in LIS courses (parallel with teaching the advancement of information literacy). Easier access to information does not involve being better informed. Uncertain information must be judged by asking for the opinion of experts in the future as well.

The Turn
Ingwersen, Peter – Järvelin, Kalervo: The Turn. Integration of information seeking and retrieval in context. Dordrecht, Springer, 2005.
(Reviewed by Anikó Dudás)

A worthy continuation: Repertories of Hungarian periodical publications. Part 2
Borsos Attila: A magyar időszaki kiadványok repertóriuma. 2. – Bp. OSZK, 2008.
(Reviewed by Miklós Bényei)

A local history bibliography of the City of Pécs 1960-2005
Surján Miklós: Pécs bibliográfiája 1960–2005. Pécs, Pécs Története Alapítvány, 2008.
(Reviewed by György Gyuris)


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