
Real life, realistic library.

Szente Ferenc

Philosophical meditation on the role of information, information-gathering and libraries in human life. (pp. 187-190)

Doctoral dissertations on library and information science in Hungary .


The university education of librarians started in Hungary in 1948, with two main subjects, with a duration of five years. In the period between the academic years 1948/49 and 1989/90 2450 students graduated (from regular, evening, correspondence and postgraduate courses), and just 5.5% of them, i.e. 135 students took their doctor’s degree. An analysis of doctoral dissertations on library and information science was made from the following aspects: distribution of dissertationists by sex; by age; the period having passed from graduation; the relationship between the subjects of theses (when graduating) and dissertation; and particularly, the subjects of the doctoral dissertations. These are covered by synoptic tables and by related analyses. The findings were the following: more women that men took their doctor’s degree; the distribution of dissertationists by age shows a strong scattering; most people take their doctor’s degree within 10 years from graduation. Almost half of the dissertations dealt with historical subjects, and there has recently been a slight increase in dissertations on computerisation, library policy, the theory of classification and cataloguing. Cca. one third of dissertationists kept the subject of their previous thesis. The author recommends that the contents of dissertations be made accessible by documentation (e.g. by abstracts). (pp. 191-205)

The development of the education of information specialists and librarians


It is included in the goals of the TEMPUS programme of the European Communities (announced in 1989) that higher education in the Central- and Eastern-European region – especially in Poland and Hungary – should be supported with professional and financial resources. The Department of Library Science of the Budapest Loránd Eötvös University compiled a draft application for the support of TEMPUS with the help of Peter Blumendorf and Andreas Nowak (both senior members of the Hannover Fachhochschule ). The main elements of the joint research to be undertaken are the following: the modernization of education, the development of subjects, and the elaboration of common curricula. The project was later joined by the Rijkshogeschool IJselland (the Netherlands ). This school will share its experience in teaching business information with the other participants. An exchange enables some Hungarian and Dutch students to participate in a three-month practice at the other country’s library school. Another essential element of the programme is, that the Budapest Department will receive from the Hannover Fachhochschule its DEC PDP 11/44 computers, in order to develop its infrastructure. (pp. 206-209)

The libraries of teachers’ training colleges in the light of the guidelines about the operation of academic libraries.


The essay was written as part of the research project supported by the Ministry of Culture and Education “The library model and co-operation of teachers’ training colleges”. It states about the library-political role of the guidelines that they are of model value and facilitate local decisions, thus can play an important role in the future too. In the course of research the state of the art of 22 libraries (of teachers’ and kindergarten teachers’ training colleges) were studied and compared to the standards set by the guidelines about the operation of academic libraries. Although there was some improvement in the libraries in question in the five years studied, their image as a whole is rather heterogeneous. Most of the libraries of teachers’ training colleges are not up to the standards (which, however, are modest if we compare them to international ones). The disadvantaged situation of college libraries may hinder the development of higher education (i.e. of teachers’ training). Finally the study calls attention to some lessons related to model-making. (pp. 210-218)



In Hungary two library software-packages for microcomputers have been spread in recent years: the Micro-ISIS developed by Unesco and the TEXTAR developed in Hungary . The two packages were compiled for different purposes, so it is not right to contrast them. TEXTAR can serve as an integrated system for smaller libraries (with holdings up to 100,000 volumes). Micro-ISIS, on the other hand, is a general, textual, database management software of which excellent use can be made in libraries too. The user choosing either of them should remember their real function: they are not qualified for substituting for the integrated systems of large libraries, but are excellently apt in periods of scarce financial resources for preparing for computerisation, for the further development of computer-culture, for starting the input of data. (pp. 219-224)

Videotex and its implementation in Hungary.  A review.

Kovács Katalin

In the first half of the review the author summarizes the concept and technology of videotex, the elements of the system of videotex services, the structure of videotex systems, the issues of display, and the basic services of videotex systems. The second part includes Hungarian implementations, operating in-house systems (IPCOM, STADAT), and the national public videotex service now in the phase of distribution (Magyar Videotex). Some of the Hungarian libraries have already joined IPCOM or STADAT, or the Magyar Videotex, but none of the systems has become popular yet. For a wider acceptance of videotex several factors should develop favourably (e.g. needed are: a better telephone supply, cheap terminals, well-defined, marketable, information, specialists managing the development of networks, adequate publicity and popularization courses etc.) (pp. 225-240)

Videotex systems in Hungary.


Described are the following videotex systems: BANKOTEX, the Information System on Education and Culture, MÜSZI-MEZOHÍR; and the author sets out her opinion on the state of the art and ways of development of videotex in Hungary . (pp. 241-246)

Videotex in public libraries.

NAGY Ferenc

From the second half of 1990 institutions could join the public experimental system of the Hungarian Telecommunication Company, the Magyar Videotex free of charge. The Budakeszi Library and Information Service (where the author is working) was among the first to join this system. The library has become, with support from the local self-government, the editorial office of the printed and electronic press in the municipality. The primary aim of the Budakeszi Library and Information Service is to provide local community information. For planning the community information system the Gates Head Portcullis System ( England ) served as a model. (pp. 247-250)

Kategória: 1991. 2. szám | A közvetlen link.